CuttleCam livestream
We are rebuilding our coral tank!
A new Cuttlecam will be launching later this year…
See if you can spot some interesting cuttlefish behaviors! They may include:
Camouflage (cuttlefish can change their skin pattern and 3D texture in milliseconds)
Mating (a head-to-head embrace)
Fighting (usually two males, featuring dark brown skin with white flecks, an elongated body, and a flickering fin)
Egg-laying (look for a female cuttlefish depositing a cluster of large black spheres, like grapes)
Feeding (takes place 3x per day, featuring a meal of live grass shrimp)
Dynamic waves of pigmentation on their skin (we don’t know why they do this!)
Inking (cuttlefish can release jet-black ink to evade predators or foes)
Or maybe some other behaviors we haven’t noticed before…
Featured species
Dwarf cuttlefish - Sepia bandensis
Finger Coral - Lemnalia species (sp.)
Green Star Polyp (GSP) - Pachyclavularia sp.
Leather Toadstool Coral, Sarcophyton sp.
Jasmine Polyps - Knopia sp.
Colt Coral - Cladiella sp.
Devil’s Hand - Lobophytum sp.
Finger Coral - Sinularia sp.
Clean up crew
Brittle Star - Ophiarachna incrassata
Mexican Turbo Snail - Turbo fluctuosa
Trochus Snail - Trochus sp.
Tuxedo Urchin - Mespilia globulus
Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crab - Clibanarius tricolor